Rheumatology in an Orthopaedic Practice - A Primer
8:30 AM - 9:15 AM EDT
The presentation will consist of: definition of Rheumatology and most common patient needs; demographics of the patient base as well as rheumatologists; national organizations that support the industry; key vendor relationships and offerings; operational structure/template; financial / business analytic framework; investment time frame; potential pitfalls and risks.

William H Sullivan
Orthopaedics Northeast, P.C.
Executive Director, Orthopaedics Northeast. Beginning 1/1/2023, CEO of Mobility Bone & Joint Insitute which represents the merger of Orthopaedics Northeast PC and Essex Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine LLC. 16 years in healthcare consistenting of 10 years as co-owner of NE Physicial Therapy Plus (sold to private equity) and six years at ED of ONE.
Speaker Sessions
Rheumatology in an Orthopaedic Practice - A Primer
Friday, Apr 21, 2023 8:30 AM - 9:15 AM EDT