Be a Part of the AAOE 2025 Annual Conference
Justification Tips
Prepare your rock-solid justification plan to present to your supervisor using the following ideas:
Clearly explain the value of the conference by highlighting key points.
Download this Justification Letter Template to use as an explanation of why you want to attend and what the benefits will be. Download and complete the supporting documents (ROI Dashboard, Expense Worksheet and Testimonials) not only to help your supervisor understand the expenses associated with the conference, but also the value of attendance. Tailor these as much as possible to your practice’s specific needs.
Explain your goals in attending the conference and relate them to the needs of your organization. Be as specific as possible so that you set the right expectations up-front. Will you bring back the names of five exhibiting companies you’d like to follow up with? Will you gather one new marketing strategy to implement? Whatever your goal, make sure it’s quantifiable.
Explain how you will report on these items to your supervisor, team, or department post-conference. Offer to share handouts or presentation slides, write up a detailed report, or make a presentation. More suggestions for post-conference reporting are included below in the resources section.
Prepare a plan showing who will cover for you in your absence and how critical work will be accomplished before, during, and directly after the conference.
Check out the Speed Meetings with vendors to see if you qualify for free or discounted conference registration!
Talking Points
Be ready with these key talking points when explaining the conference to your supervisor.
The AAOE Annual Conference is the ONLY conference in the nation dedicated solely to orthopedic practice professionals.
Hundreds of orthopedic practice professionals from across the country attend each year. It’s your chance to connect with peers who face the same issues your practice does. Networking events are held during the conference to help you connect with professionals most similar to you.
More than 100 companies will exhibit at the conference, specializing in a variety of products and services for orthopedic practices.
Ten blocks of orthopedic-specific educational sessions will be offered. Sessions are relevant for orthopedic practice professionals of all experience levels focusing on various function areas.
Keynote sessions will provide inspiration, motivation, and information you will bring back to your practice.
Post-Conference Reporting
Commit upfront that you will prepare and share a conference report with your supervisor and the team. A conference report of one to three pages conveys key information about the conference to people who did not attend and ensures that you will transmit its value effectively to your organization.
Use this post-conference report template as a starting point. Examples of information you might include in the report are:
Executive summaries of key themes, concerns, ideas, and practices discussed.
Keynote session highlights.
Specific educational session highlights and takeaways.
Networking event takeaways (new contacts, why they are important, who and when you will follow-up).
Information about products and services, gathered from conversations with vendors in the exhibit hall (which companies you will follow-up with and when).
Program ideas or recommendations picked up or thought up while at the meeting.
Resources, checklists, articles, or tools from the conference
Take detailed notes during the conference and consider drafting the report during your travel back home when the information is freshest in your mind. If presenting the information to the team, schedule that meeting as soon as possible so it won't get lost in the shuffle of returning to the busyness of the office.